Rise and Shine at Yoga8

Wednesday morning started early for me as I headed to Yoga8 at 7 a.m. While this is not the closest studio I've visited, the drive was only 15 minutes from campus, and the location was more relative to the Richland area. The location felt slightly out of place, but it was next to another local gym. At first, I was a little confused because I thought I had arrived at the wrong location: the sign said "yoga pod," not "Yoga8."

Courtesy of Yoga8

*Picture of the front of Yoga8.

There was no information about what to bring to class, and I had to dig to figure it out. If you have a yoga mat, bring one. They do have rentals available, but they charge you $5. The studio itself was a little small, but is was very relaxing. The lights were off, and there was quiet music playing in the background.

As the class started, Andrea, the instructor, started simple stretches to warm up the class. There were six, including me, in the class, and Andrea did a great job engaging all of us. The workout was well-balanced, with classic yoga moves like crescent, warrior, and downward dog. Overall, Andrea did a great job incorporating different exercises, mainly core.

During the session, Andrea gave the class words of motivation for the workout and our daily lives. One topic she spoke on a lot was being intentional, whether that is moving your body in a specific way or how you treat others daily. She also incorporated faith in the workout and encouraged the rest of our day.

I chose to participate in the Hot Fusion class, where the temperature is 95 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. This class is the hottest temperature class they offer. I noticed that the class description said this was for all levels, but if you are a beginner, do not take this class. I wish I had picked a different class. Even though I have done yoga before, the heat was harsh for me to exercise in.

By the end of class, I was very sweaty, and I'm not sure if it was due to the room's temperature or the actual workout.

Unlike the other studios I have visited, Yoga8 does not offer a free first class. They have a drop-in option, a single session that costs $20. The most popular membership package is the "Intense YoPack," which is $99 monthly and includes unlimited classes with three guest passes.

I would return to Yoga8, but I would pick a different class. Instead of the "Hot Fusion" class, I would take the "Flow" session. The overall environment was great, but this class was not my favorite.


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REFIT: Dance Party or Workout?